About two years ago, a friend of mine passed away. His name was Stan Ochs. Stan was a lifelong hot rodder that was well known in Portland, Oregon area. For decades he built a reputation for having amazing cars, as well as being a virtual encyclopedia when it came to early Fords and rare speed parts. He was a fixture in the hot rod community, a guy that seemed to always be around, and a guy you could count on if you had a question nobody else could seem to answer. Luckily for us, he was also an avid photographer that took thousands of photos of hot rods over the years, local to the PNW and beyond.
Recently, I was lucky enough to get my hands on several hundred photos of Stan's. His widow, Claire had called to ask if I wanted to give them a good home. Below is just a small sample of the types of photos in the collection.
It's interesting to note that Stan took photos of just about everything: Hot rods, stockers, cars on the street, swap meets, big shows, small shows, drag racing, salt flat racing, etc. He would even take photos of things like machine work being done on an engine block, or of a rare part just sitting on a table. Basically, he documented all aspects of what was important to him, what he lived for: Hot rods and old Fords. Enjoy. I will post more as time allows.
More to come, stay tuned.
Wow, these are fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
Those are amazing pictures – thanks for sharing them. That covered wagon is crazy!!
Thank You for sharing the pictures. Wish Stan was here to tell the story behind each one. That kind of narration is priceless. My friend Bob is 86 and had a large cat show. Jaguar and Cougar . The stories are fascinating. I’m really looking forward to seeing more from you.